I love bread, who doesn't... I make many varieties & this recipe is a classic that you can easily adapt by adding things to like, herbs, garlic, pesto & seasonings to make it your own special bread.
I've baked bread from all over the world & this is a very simple fresh recipe from Europe. Enjoy..
1 heaped tsp active yeast
1 tsp raw caster sugar ( any fine sugar is fine, even replace with keto sugar)
1 cup of tepid water, this is very important as you need to warm the yeast back to life..
1 cup 00 flour or wholemeal
1 cup strong bakers flour
Place the yeast & sugar in a mixing bowl, mix with you hands (go on get your hands in there)
Set aside to let the yeast activate
Add the salt & flours
Mix well & knead until you have a smooth ball of dough.
Set aside to raise/ levern/ proove for an hour or 25 mins in a modern oven that has this function on it.
knock it back & shape to what you desire.
Set aside to proove again for another 45 mins
Then bake at 200 deg cel for 20-25 mins depending on your oven
Add steam in the first 5 mins of cooking if your oven has this function or you
can put a tray on the bottom shelf of your oven with hot water in it.
Set aside when cooked, you'll know as it will have a crust formed you can knock on..
Set aside to cool for 5 mins & enjoy..........mmmmmm